Visiting professor from Hungary
We are very pleased to announce that a new edition of the " Visiting Professor" program has been launched. According to Resolution No. 22/2022 of the Senate of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, of March 28, 2022, "... in order to strengthen its didactic and scientific potential, the University may invite scientists with significant achievements in a given discipline as so-called visiting professors from renowned scientific centers...".
Thanks to the commitment of Rev. Grzegorz Godawa, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof., in the winter semester 2022/2023, our students of the pedagogy program can take part in the classes "Reading about Social Pedagogy" (30 hours of exercises) and "Selected Aspect of Special Pedagogy" (30 hours of lectures), taught by Ms. Magdolna Nemes, PhD, Assist.Prof - University of Debrecen, Department of Applied Social Sciences.