Student ID Card

  • Basic information

    Electronic Student ID Card Here, in Poland, you can get discounts, cheaper prices and many other privileges almost everywhere if you are a student. During the following academic year you are going to be a part of our student's body and you will be given for this reason an electronic Student (...)

  • Photo requirement

    Technical requirements for the photo: The photo must be of high quality (clear, sharp, with good brightness, contrast and colour balance). The background should be clear and not vivid. Head contour must be well visible. Photographed person's shadow or other distracting details in the (...)

  • Additional features

    Apart from being a confirmation of student status, the student card has other features. When you join the UPJPII Library, it will serve as a library card (a barcode printed at the reverse of the card is a number allocated to you for that reason). It may also serve as the Kraków City Card for (...)

  • Duplicate and replica

    Duplicate The card may be necessary to access some data or rooms in the future. Therefore, treat it as an important and valuable document, store it the way you keep other cards (e.g., bank cards), try not to bend and scratch it. If you damage or lose your card, you may apply for its duplicate. (...)





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