
Scientific research and education are the most important areas of the university activity. They constitute and determine the scientific and didactic potential of the university and are conducted at six faculties as well as in three specialist laboratories and a state-of-the-art media centre. Scientific research is the foundation for numerous achievements as well as the development of the academic staff. Scientific research is mainly conducted in field of humanities. The research which is carried out includes theology, history, history of the church, philosophy, family studies, religious Studies. Within the social sciences there are ongoing projects dealing with media, pedagogy and psychology. There is also some research conducted in the field of law, predominantly the Canon Law.

UPJPII provides good conditions for carrying out mostly primary research, and also secondary projects. Annually, over 300 research topics are undertaken, some of which are co-financed from grant funds.

Scientific research activity also involves obtaining  financial support from  the National Science Centre calls as well as programmes organized by various ministries of Poland. It is thanks to the funding obtained in the call organized by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities that the project Establishing Textile Conservation Laboratory could be undertaken. The aim of the research is to create an interdisciplinary database documenting silk textiles in possession of the Church dating back to the 15th-18th century.





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