In Honor the Saints: Hungarian Tour of the UPJPII Psalmodia Choir as a Bridge of Polish-Hungarian Friendship

From October 25 to 28, 2024, the Choir of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Psalmodia, embarked on a remarkable tour of Hungary. The concert series, titled "In Honor of the Saints", took place in historically significant locations: the Benedictine Abbey in Tihany by Lake Balaton, one of Hungary's oldest monasteries with roots in the 11th century; St. Michael's Cathedral in Veszprém, the main church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Veszprém; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Érd; and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Budapest, which houses relics of St. Kinga and St. Hedwig.
The concerts attracted a wonderful audience, including representatives of the embassy, members of the Polish diaspora in Hungary, local parishioners, and lovers of sacred music. Also in attendance were students and representatives of the partner Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, as well as students and teachers from the affiliated Padányi Katolikus Iskola. The Psalmodia Choir performed a repertoire of Polish sacred works dedicated to St. Hedwig and St. Kinga, commemorating their anniversaries – the 650th anniversary of St. Hedwig's birth and the 790th anniversary of St. Kinga.
The program included works by masters such as Stanisław Moniuszko, Romuald Twardowski, Józef Świder, Juliusz Łuciuk, and Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. Particularly noteworthy were new pieces composed for this occasion: You Set Aside the Insignia of Royal Dignity (Song of St. Hedwig) by Joanna Furgał, a graduate of the Institute of Church Music at UPJPII, and How Beautiful You Are, Kinga, composed by Marek Pawełek, who also accompanied the choir on the organ. Another highlight was the composition Swiatyj Boże by the choir’s conductor, Olga Bodnar. The choir was directed by Prof. Włodzimierz Siedlik, Olga Bodnar, and Karolina Grodecka, with Marek Pawełek as accompanist.
Honorary Patronage
The tour was held under the honorary patronage of His Magnificence Reverend Professor Robert Tyrała, Rector of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, and Dr. Tibor Gerencsér, Consul General of Hungary in Krakow.
The Psalmodia choir’s tour was warmly received with emotional responses from the audience, who appreciated the exceptional artistic quality and spiritual depth of the music. Among the attendees were representatives of the Polish diaspora and institutions related to Polish-Hungarian cultural cooperation. Soon, an article summarizing this artistic journey will be published in the quarterly "Głos Polonii" (en: "Voice of the Polish Diaspora") in Hungary underscoring the power of culture and sacred music to connect nations and build bridges of friendship.
A Word from the Psalmodia Choir
Our list of thanks is long, but we would like to begin by expressing our deep respect and gratitude to those without whom this tour would not have been possible. Special recognition goes to the authorities and staff of our Alma Mater – the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow – and the Consulate General of Hungary in Krakow for their invaluable support. We are grateful to our Hungarian friends and organizers, who welcomed us with exceptional warmth and hospitality. We thank each concert attendee for their words of appreciation, applause, and moments of emotion that accompanied us during the performances, creating unforgettable moments and strengthening the bonds of Polish-Hungarian friendship. This concert tour was, is, and will remain an experience of extraordinary significance for us! Thank you. — UPJPII Psalmodia Choir
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