Happy holidays from UPJPII!

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Christmas wishes from the International Office at UPJPII
Dear Colleagues,
“Be not afraid, for behold. I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger”. LK 2: 8-12
Jesus Christ became human in order to reveal to us the destiny and miracle of each human being. Jesus in his humanity taught us, that we too have the seed of the Divine within us. It is our participation in the life of God that enables us to live our humanity in its fullness so that we can be good news to each other. We send you our loving good wishes for Christmas 2019. St Luke in his Christmas story wishes us to be open to and receive the depths of the message of the good news of the birth of Jesus Christ. We too wish you to grow in the wonder, assurance and challenge of the life of Jesus Christ. May each of us “be not afraid” in the challenges of the human journey.
We pray that you allow the Christ- child this Christmas to invite you to look anew and to be amazed at the beauty and mystery of creation and the journey of the human being back to God.
A Blessed Christmas and a New Year full of Goodness and Joy!
Team of International Cooperation Office (ICO)
Urszula Kubiczek and Tomasz Kniaź