Departamental Coordinators

UPJPII Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators


Each of the University's academic units has its own Erasmus Departmental Coordinator. Coordinators include faculty members, programme managers, academic specialists and others. UPJPII students can consult them for specific questions on pursuing their area of study at an Erasmus+ partner university of the institute and for the selection process for outgoing students.

Erasmus Departmental Coordinators at UPJPII are also in charge of concluding and signing Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements via EWP (IIAs for KA131) for their institutes.

Scope of activity of departmental Coordinators for the Erasmus+ Programme at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow:

  1. Issuing opinions on Intercollegiate Agreements submitted for signature to the authorities after the faculty coordinator's verification from the point of view of the specificity of a given university and comparison of the offered curriculum of studies with that at UPJPII in order to determine the possibility of the exchange and determination of its principles ensuring the achievement of convergent educational results in accordance with the guidelines of the Bologna process.
  2. Monitoring progress in the implementation of Erasmus+ and presenting the current status of Erasmus+ implementation to the University authorities,
  3. Analysing the potential for Erasmus+ development at individual departments of UPJPII.
  4. Advising on the preparation of teaching courses in English.
  5. Establishing cooperation with foreign partners in the context of developing the Erasmus+ Programme,
  6. Close cooperation with faculty coordinators in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme.
  7. Participation in recruitment committees aiming at qualifying participants for mobility, including decisions concerning distribution of financial resources.
  8. Signing/accepting documentation concerning the Erasmus+ Programme, e.g. documents to the National Agency.
  9. Promoting UPJPII on the international arena.

List of Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators





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